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Resident Spotlight

We all know how irritating it is to solely receive bad feedback, only for the accomplishments we achieve on a daily basis to go overlooked. Let’s recognize these accomplishments! We intend for this section to be a place where every residency program can recognize the good work that their residents do. As the maintenance of this website rotates through the different EM programs throughout Philadelphia, they can choose residents from their program that deserve recognition. Excellent work deserves credit!

Dr. Danielle Parker, PGY2 EM

Catch of the Month:

“Muffled Voice Save” Dr. Danielle Parker, PGY2 EM

Dr Parker was rotating on her Trauma block at the time and was coming down to the ED to admit a patient. This particular patient had been assaulted, presented somewhat altered and had an irregular laceration on her palatine tonsil. She was diagnosed with an ICH and a mass on her palatine tonsil. This pt had been maintaining her airway throughout her ED stay and phonating without difficulty. Danielle assessed the patient and noticed that her voice was muffled. She quickly grabbed the ED attending and senior resident who realized that the pt was having a palatine tonsil expanding hematoma, called an airway alert and the pt was subsequently intubated by anesthesia. At this time we had several other critical and new pts on the board and were boarding in the ED. If it wasn’t for Dr Parker’s thorough physical exam and clinical judgement, this patient would have had a much worse outcome. Great save Dr Parker!


Resident of the Month:

“Wellness Guru” Dr. Kuljit Kaur, PGY4 EM/IM

Dr Kaur is the founder of our Jefferson Northeast Wellness Committee. She is one of the original members of the ALiEM Wellness Think Tank, has recorded Podcasts on wellness with AliEM, and has presented at multiple national conferences (AAEM, ACOI). Not only has she represented and been a great supporter of EM resident wellness with GME, and because of her a portion of our GME stipend can go to wellness activities such as gym memberships, pedometers and even massages! As one of our dual program residents she not only has improved the EM program wellness but she has helped to improve the IM resident wellness too. The EM residency has historically had 2 wellness events a year while IM never has. Dr Kaur set up the first ever IM resident wellness retreat and ensured that all IM residents had coverage. She truly is our resident advocate. She is incredibly intelligent, a BAFERD in her own right, critical care guru in training and a wonderful mentor for our junior residents. She continues to excel both academically and clinically and we definitely would not be as well without her! Dr Kaur truly is the whole package.

Dr. Kuljit Kaur, PGY4 EM/IM

Danielle Parker Headshot.jpg

See past resident spotlights here:

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