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We embrace the culture of Free Open Access Meducation (FOAMed) and hope you will too. We also know you are craving some more knowledge so here it is. This section of the site is filled with articles, interactive videos, blog posts and much more! Ranging from bread and butter EM education for students all the way to advanced learning topics for seniors, it is all right here.

This site was made by residents for residents in the spirit of physician wellness! It was initially conceived by Sarah Rubin D.O. PGY-4, Greg Fischer D.O. PGY-2, and Andrew Lee D.O. PGY-3, members of the Jefferson Health Northeast Wellness Committee, as an entry into the Wellness “Shark Tank” Competition that took place at the Philadelphia Citywide EM Resident Wellness Day conference in February 2019. The idea was graciously chosen by the judges to receive a stipend to help turn the idea into reality. We feel that ideas for physician wellness are something to be shared between all residents and all programs. This site is intended to bring Philadelphia’s EM residency programs together by providing a resource in which to share ways to be well. We have all experienced the competitive nature of medical school and residency; this often pits us against each other. It is time to end the segregation and to come together in the name of wellness.

Website created in 2019 by Kelsey Jordan.

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